Experience Repaq
We look forward to getting to know you


Let's wrap it up


We are pleased that you are interested in Repaq compostable packaging. Currently we produce packaging only on an industrial scale. Order our Samenpaq and experience for yourself at home, in your garden or on your balcony how Repaq decomposes in 42 days. If you want to support us, follow us and subscribe to our newsletter.


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We look forward to your feedback and support.


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Together we avoid plastic.


Our blog

Very Compostable

Advances, inventions and ideas around sustainable materials. An inspiration for each and every one of us.


Convince yourself

Ready for a Zero-Waste-Experiment? Plant the Repaq Seedpaq and observe how the packaging composts and disappears completely within 42 days.

This experiment only costs you the postage. The rest is on us.
